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The Very Veggie Movement aims to unite society around the cause of animal rights, environmental protection, and public health. We believe that if together we can make the transition to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, we can…
- save millions of animals every year
- reduce the environmental impact of animal farming
- minimize the outbreak of the next animal-borne disease*
- … and so much more!
*The origin of COVID-19 is believed to be connected to an open-air wet market, where live animals are killed and sold for food.

The Very Veggie Movement is an initiative of Tzu Chi USA, a humanitarian and disaster relief organization that abides by the principles of its founder, Dharma Master Cheng Yen. Her guidance urges each of us to live a life rooted in compassion, mindfulness, and love for one another and the magnificent earth on which we live.
Transform your diet into a vegetarian or vegan one with the help of the Very Veggie Movement.
When we are able to humble ourselves and respect life, this demonstrates our utmost reverence and the power of our love.
Dharma Master Cheng Yen

Our movement lets you decide for how long you’ll commit to a vegetarian diet.
What Does It Mean to Be an Animal Hero Kid?
Watch on to discover how these Animal Hero Kids provide a voice for the voiceless and empower compassionate action!
Learn more about partnership about us.


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The Very Veggie Movement is meant for everyone of every age, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, religion and spiritual practice everywhere. In fact, it’s already happening around the world in cities big and small. See our map for where people are joining!